Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Cheza by Abedi Dotkom feat. Mishka & Prince [Official HD] Album out now

                                                  The album called CHEZA is now out and this is one of the tracks on this captivating album. The artist behind this album Abedi Dotkom says the song is receiving very good response from fans who enjoy the tracks like Shake your body and Cheza. He says he has the same feeling he had when he did the once hit song Dotcom Lady about 10 years ago. He says he did this album after researching on the fans' needs in the music industry and expects things to go well for him. ''Many have been asking where I disappeared to. They have been asking for a new album and here it is'' says Abedi.                                            

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Shake Your Body (Official HD) by Abedi Dotkom Feat. Prince Kadabra

The eight track album is now out. You may get it on and onfon.

Friday, 28 November 2014


Shaddyoko has a new album ''Wanifwata'' that he is promoting. His songs are so powerful and of different genres. He records at Twins studios. See his photos.

Shaddyyoko Msanii

Shaddyyoko at Radio Jambo after a live interview

Shaddyyoko Masanii recording at Twins Studio

Shaddyyoko while on a charity visit in Mathare.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014


There has been a word going round that MCSK has been frustrating its members at the expense of benefiting a few. Many artists are lamenting that they have not been receiving any money from the society despite their music playing on radio. The MCSK collects a lot of money from public transport, restaurants, bars, clubs and media but the disbursement of the same is so wanting.

Titi Solomon, is one of the leading artists who says he has not been receiving any money yet his music still plays on radio. Many other artists have been complaining are said to be planning on how to oust the incumbent officials who they believe are not sensitive to their plight.They would prefer people who will listen to them and offer right solutions to their issues other than sheer rhetoric. ''The youthful artists should turn up in large numbers during the forthcoming elections to vote in people who can bring the change we want" says Titi.

Many artists have also complained about mistreatment by the officials during the AGMs. They say they are kept on long queues while being registered for the meetings and also when receiving the meager allowances. They are not treated the way the public would expect of them as superstars and respected people in the society.

We at the Kenyan Artist blog are watching and guessing how the events will unfold as we approach the Annual General meeting.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Send me (Official Video 2014) by Bilha juma

Shake Your Body (Official HD) by Abedi Dotkom Feat. Prince Kadabra

Cheza by Abedi Dotkom feat. Mishka & Prince [Official HD]

Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Abedi Dotkom the artist who brought you Dotcom Lady (Wayanza Mang'ondo) hit song has resurfaced with a new album. Some of the promising tracks on his album recorded at Twins Recordz are Cheza, Shake your body and Ringa Ringa apart from Dotcom Lady Remix. He intends to launch the album and start doing promotion during the month of December. He has urged all his fans to keep on supporting him by attanding his forthcoming shows as well as buy his music via, onfon and downloads. Below are some of his videos for your sampling;
Abedi Dotkom - Artist

Shake your body:


Dotcom lady:

Wasema sema:

Mama pima:

In the picture: From left Abedi Dotkom, Kevoch (dancer), Spartan (dancer) and Prince Kadabra (Artist) during the video shoot of the song shake your body.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Meet Rhumba Songbird Eve Namulanda aka Principessa

Rhumba songtress Principessa with Kanda Bongoman and Friends
Principessa whose real name is Eve Namulanda is a Kenyan artist who has been doing Rhumba music for a while. She is one of the very few Kenyan female artists doing search genre especially in live band performances. She used to perform in Mombasa before relocating to Nairobi last year. In Mombasa her fans are missing her soothing voice and are still hoping that she returns there.
Principessa with a friend

Watching her do her rhumba renditions, one feels fully entertained. She does renditions of songs by Mbilia Bel, The late Miriam Makeba, Tsala Mwana, Mpongo Love among others. She has a great Band known as Keco Afro Sounds Band that entertains patrons at Egesa East Villa, Umoja and Quills Lounge in Kayole. The band boasts of very vibrant and musicians like Mandazi, guitarist Elvis among others. Mandazi does renditions of late Franco Lwambo Makiadi so perfectly.

Principessa is working on her own songs that she will be releasing soon. She promises her fans that it will not take long before they have her album.

Friday, 7 November 2014


Madjid Musellem has a new song out. The song is called Bina Party in which he has featured Mishka and Mas Melody. This is his first song after being featured in songs like This is how we do, Studio and Ghetto in which he played a role of a ''Bad Boy''. He is set to travel to Congo and Ghana before coming back to Kenya to do a video for the song.Madjid is also a dancer and model. See photos of him below;

We wishing him safe journey and hope that he won't take long before giving us a video for the captivating song Bina Party.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

BRAND NEW !!! Shake Your Body (Official HD) by Abedi Dotkom Feat. Prince Kadabra

Monday, 3 November 2014

Ghetto by Sti-Key, M.i.e.n & Mishka (Official Video)

''Dotcom Lady Remix'' (Wayanza Mang'ondo) Video - By Abedi Dotkom

Cheza by Abedi Dotkom feat. Mishka & Prince [Official HD]

Friday, 31 October 2014


Julliet Samba crowns the week for us with her lovely and beautiful photos. The following are photos taken by JohfBaks Photography;


Prezda Bandason, King of Luo Rhumba
Shaddyyoko Msanii (Singer of Pesa)

M.I.E.N Kevin, Hip hop
Prince Kadabra, Musician

Abedi Dotkom, Artist/Producer

Mishka, Artist/Senior Producer-Twins studio

Becky Sangolo, Artist

Salez Kalahari, Hip hop artist

Madjid Mussellem, Artist

Nadir, Artist

Thursday, 30 October 2014

He is back with a bang!

Abedi Dotkom - Artist
Abedi Dotkom is one of the artists who brought the Kenyan music to the fore after his tantalizing hit song ''Dotcom Lady'' also known by many as "Wayanza Mang'ondo". Many have been asking where he disappeared to with some even calling his act a one hit song wonder. One thing they are not aware of is that he did another song called Vindu vya Tinya that also did well on airplay. He says piracy dealt him a big blow and even demoralized him because of those who harvested where they hadn't sown.

Abedi Dotkom with one of his Dancers, Kevo during the 
video shoot of Shake your body
Recently, he did videos for Dotcom Lady remix, Wasema sema, Mama Pima and Cheza that can be found on youtube. He has a new track called Shake your body that is poised to do well in Kenya and beyond. He has just finished doing a video for the latter. Listening to the new song you will start by feeling Western Kenya due to the Sukuti beat and when the other instruments settle in you get the feeling of West Africa. I mean ''Davido'' kind of feel. In the song he has featured a very promising artist Prince Kadabra who is also working on his video of the song Tunasonga mbele produced by Producer Mishka at Twins Studio.

Abedi Dotkom, Madjid Musellem and Prince Kadabra
Abedi who also doubles as a Producer says he still has a bigger vision and mission to accomplish hence not yet anywhere near quitting music because it is a passion. "If I was only looking for money in music I would have quit long ago due to the challenges I faced some years back", he says. He is therefore appealing to his fans to stay put and enjoy the new stuff he has for them. He will soon launch and tour various parts of the country to popularize his songs. You can download some of his songs that are already selling via Onfon downloads.
From left to Right Abedi Dotkom, Kevo, Spartan, Prince Kadabra and Kate

Friday, 24 October 2014

Shaddyyoko Msanii

 One of Shaddyyoko's video that has been frequent on TV. Meet him at Carnivore as he does his gig.

Shaddyyoko Msanii

Shaddyyoko, Artist
Meet Shaddyyoko an artist with drive and determination. He is one of the artists performing during Mulembe Nite at Carnivore Restaurant on 31st October 2014. He developed his music passion while still in primary school. Music was one of his favourite subjects and he even excelled in it well. Shaddyyoko has recorded an Album called Wanifuata that has been doing well on TV especially KTN. Other songs in the album include Wanifuata, Mama, Omwoyo, Ingokho, Rita, A.F.C, Lugendo, Ninasaka, Ingwe and Pesa. Listening to these songs you will notice that they are powerful songs and done in various genres.

Shaddyyoko is therefore inviting his fans to turn up for the event and get a chance to enjoy his presentation.

Shaddyyoko in action

 Have a date with him at Carnivore next Friday.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Do you remember John Karani the Hot Radio presenter with a romantic voice?

John Karani
The life we enjoyed in the late 90s towards the end of the last decade couldn't have been so without the soothing voice of DJ John Karani. He commanded the airwaves via KBC English Service hence kept listeners hooked to the station. Having worked as a team with presenters like the Late Johnstone Omurunga in programmes like ''Saturday Night Show'' he became a celebrity with a huge listener-ship. In the program he would interview artists and also give the listeners the lyrics of their favourite songs. You would get most of the youths and even adults with pen and paper ready to write the lyrics that were read to them by John and Charity Karemi. His programme called Beat Time can not escape my mind at all. This was a program that was so popular and was synonymous with John and Charity.

Groove Time  was also very popular. In this program the listeners would call and vote for their favorite song on the chat of the day. This way the best song would have more calls requesting for it's play. It was a true way of identifying a popular song than the current way of favouritism where people are forced to listen to the presenter's choice. 

Wow! those old good days!

John Karani in Dar es salaam
Karani went ahead to do his trade in Tanzania where he worked with Kiss FM (TZ) and Tone FM where he excelled in the profession. Many people still miss John Karani in the Kenyan airwaves. When the Late Nzau Kalulu also a former KBC presenter died last year (2013) Karani was asked to team up with the Sundowner host to run a show in tribute of the fallen presenter. It was evident from the call-ins that he is still very popular. Many callers earnestly pleaded with him to be back in the airwaves.

 The Kenyan music industry is where it is because of the immense contributions that Karani among other presenters made to promote local artists. Kudos!

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Nadir Binlassili's new release - Young Lover.

Nadir Binlassili, an artist from Goma, Congo has done a new Hip hop song called ''Young Lover'' that is set to be launched soon. Many people associate Congolese musicians with Rhumba and Seben music. However, there is a crop of young Congolese like Nadir who are changing the trend. He is our African version of Lil Wayne. He has featured in the song ''Studio'' and ''This is how we do''.

Nadir Binlassili

From left to Right Madjid, Monica & Nadir Binlassili


If you get to listen to this new song that he is set to launch soon, you will agree with me that it is comes with a new flavor in the Kenyan music industry. 

Kudos Nadir!  

Meet Madjid Musellem a guy of three hats.

Madjid Musellem
Madjid musellem is a man of three hats. He is a professional dancer, a rapper and a model in one body. He hails from Goma, Congo where he horned some of the skills in two of professions. He is good in both contemplary, traditional dances and adopts to any creative dance superbly. Due to his passion in hip hop he developed the urge to start doing rap music hence joined other artists like Nadir Binlassili, Mishka Kar to do some songs. They did a song called ''Studio'' and then later ''This is how we do''.

Recently, he acted in the video of the song ''Ghetto'' by Sticky, Mien and Mishka. In the video you'll agree with me that the guy is multi-talented and is headed for big things in the near future. he is one of the dancers in the song ''Cheza'' by Abedi Dotkom.