John Karani |
The life we enjoyed in the late 90s towards the end of the last decade couldn't have been so without the soothing voice of DJ John Karani. He commanded the airwaves via KBC English Service hence kept listeners hooked to the station. Having worked as a team with presenters like the Late Johnstone Omurunga in programmes like ''Saturday Night Show'' he became a celebrity with a huge listener-ship. In the program he would interview artists and also give the listeners the lyrics of their favourite songs. You would get most of the youths and even adults with pen and paper ready to write the lyrics that were read to them by John and Charity Karemi. His programme called Beat Time can not escape my mind at all. This was a program that was so popular and was synonymous with John and Charity.
Groove Time was also very popular. In this program the listeners would call and vote for their favorite song on the chat of the day. This way the best song would have more calls requesting for it's play. It was a true way of identifying a popular song than the current way of favouritism where people are forced to listen to the presenter's choice.
Wow! those old good days!
John Karani in Dar es salaam |
Karani went ahead to do his trade in Tanzania where he worked with Kiss FM (TZ) and Tone FM where he excelled in the profession. Many people still miss John Karani in the Kenyan airwaves. When the Late Nzau Kalulu also a former KBC presenter died last year (2013) Karani was asked to team up with the Sundowner host to run a show in tribute of the fallen presenter. It was evident from the call-ins that he is still very popular. Many callers earnestly pleaded with him to be back in the airwaves.
The Kenyan music industry is where it is because of the immense contributions that Karani among other presenters made to promote local artists. Kudos!
When are you coming back John?
I do miss John Karani's Saturday Night Show (SNS) which he used to co-host with my late dad Johnstone Omurunga in early 90's.. if only I could get a sound clip from one of the shows..
Edwin am delighted to read from you. Karani is my close friend. I really used to enjoy listening to your father Johnstone Omurunga while they teamed up as co-hosts with John karani. KBC rocked because of the presentation by the two guys. Are you also doing journalism?
I also miss him and Charity karimi veeery much
i really miss John and Charity very much.when are you coming back.?
Even me I miss jonh and charity karemi so,so, much,end I remember an til now very before program of beat time show even now.
I do miss Mr.Big DJ John Karani when he rocked the airwaves on KBC.
There was a song, which was the anthem for the program SNS, Who was the singer of the song SATURDAY NIGHT, I really miss those beats.
I miss John karani so much!!
Come back to KBC John Karani.
Enter your comment...jojn i remmember you making fun on nelley song miss you alot
Kudos dem r da days kila jioni alituweka chojo
I always miss to hear John Karani, lastly i met him on 2001 at club dimples Meru,all the best John Karani and hope one day i will meet you
I never missed his show ... especially late date and Saturday night show....
As young as I was I can't forget JOHN KARANI he rocked hey comeback to Kenya airwaves they are paying awesomely salary
John Karani you rocked mehn! The lyrics, the jam was ontop. And where is Erick Ndeche?
On metro FM it was fire
Where are they now .John karaniand charity karimi.
Aaaaah john karani made me excel in school due to his encouraging lyrics in the Saturday night show.I wish him to be back,with Tim nderitu,late Eric mbeche,Gladys gachanja aaaaaand bill odidi
John Karani and Charity Karimi...what a team, miss Sundowner. His voice...
John karani come back bana I miss u as u used to bring dancall reggae music
Mwangi mirara from sabasaba.I miss you Jonnie.come back n make us young again
Words aren't enough on how i rem jk. U always seemed to know what i wanted to hear man: 'twas hit after hit! Learnt a lot music-wise from ur entire shows. Thank u John (still wondering where's Tim Nderitu)
I still miss John Karani and Charity Karemi Monday morning show KBC English service
So humbling to read such good comments about a man who among others changed the entertainment scene. Those reaping well today from the industry should be grateful to such heroes who had no internet and many modern equipment to access the best to entertain us. Kudos karani, Tim Nderitu, Jeff Mwangemi, John Obong'o Jr, Late Nzau Kalulu, Billy odidi, Obege Elizabeth for setting the stage.
Good right up John Kara I and team were great by the way is anyone who can share the playlist. I would really appreciate.
I miss the "Dance of Kings and Quins" by John Karani and Charity Karemj
John karani my all time favorite radio presenter on those days... Eric ndeche was also a king in radio.. Both English service and kiswahili.. He was having such a soothing voice... I knew today that he is deseased(LATE) R. I. P. ERIC NDECHE
Its john karani who made a full time fun of music despite that karani was giving us a crue of sustain crylics up to date I have a strong feeling of music played on KBC by john karani ...keep it up jk
Come back to Kenya radio presenter are being paid well .I really miss the voice of karani which make me awesome in this world.we miss you very much.
John I remember him to date still have the words of your favourite song,celindion, backstreet boys,etc, I remember him saying this is John Karani taking through the bases, was amazing
Where is John karani these days. What is he doing so far. He left his fans unsatisfied. May he come back
The 1st time I listened to" Tupac songs dear mama and life goes on" in 1995 when john. Played them on kbc beat time show. 2pm to 4pm..
The song was by wigfield
Good old days , I thoroughly miss dance hall for kings & queens.
Can't wait to listen to you again
He is back....!!!!!
Love to see that he is back again with more goddies.
John karani, charity karimi and Tim Nderitu wherever you are please let's connect as soon as possible. Merry Christmas.
I miss KBC during those days when karani was fuckin'the air waves..💨💨
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