Friday, 22 July 2016


Local artists have suffered for quite long due to weak laws governing the industry. There are no proper structures by which the industry can thrive well. Efforts to come up with a bill that could turn things around has always been rebuffed by various forces including PRSPs and even some in the leadership of CMOs.

These forces have failed in their mandate but claim to have solutions to problems that have bedeviled artists for all this time. They take advantage of the poverty among artists to lure their support and use them fight the change that could have emancipated and benefited them.

Early this year Artists like Elani and Rufftone raised issues about the distribution of royalties and other issues afflicting the artists. This raised eyebrows not only among the artists but also the government and the public. Recently artists started a movement and came together under the Kenya Gospel & Secular Artists Federation (KEGSAF) banner to bring change but this was repulsed by these forces that settled on propaganda to mud-sling the well intending artists. When KEGSAF raised issues against the then CEO, the Directors tried to fight back for the status-quo to remain. They vehemently defended the CEO even when it was evident that there were serious issues of misconduct. They stood with him even in court while the cases against the CEO went on. However, after some while they realized they were under siege hence suspended and replaced the him. They have now been fighting unity of artists through many ways including using the artists themselves.

The music industry requires a separate organization to fight for the rights of artists as well as unify them for the purpose of self development. Like football and athletics our artists should have their own federation that can look in to their matters. The CMOs have their own mandate and should not concentrate on fighting unity of artists. KEGSAF was not formed to fight the CMOs but to unify artists and spearhead positive changes in the music industry. Being a director in the CMOs does not mean that you control the whole music industry. Who will take care of artists that are not registered with the CMOs? We should endeavor to work together towards improving the lives of the poor artists who work hard believing that things shall be better tomorrow.

 It is paramount that artists open their eyes and know who means well for them than going for handouts while they loose the real stake. Let's know that different opinions amongst artists should not mean becoming enemies. There is no good in victimizing members who have different opinions on CMO issues. All the CMOs were created to serve artists hence the directorship should embrace unity amongst the artists other than divide and rule policy. KEGSAF has categorically said it doesn't  intend to fight the CMOs but to work towards artists' unity, development and welfare.

Change is inevitable. See part of the issues that sparked row in the music industry in the links below;


By Sangoman

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