Wednesday, 17 February 2016


Our Kenyan artists have finally agreed to go the full length and ensure that they achieve lasting unity that will enable them speak with one voice. This is after realizing that there are a few beneficiaries that have always instilled division in the industry so as to continue fleecing the hardworking artists. 

Unlike in other countries, Kenyan artists make big names without money to back up their stardom. Recently on The Trend, Larry Madowo of NTV hosted artists, Collective Management Organizations (CMOs), and Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association (KYPA) led by Hon. Johnson Sakaja for a debate on issues afflicting the music industry. Artists spewed out their frustrations by the CMOs, PRSPs and also the unfavorable laws that have not helped the situation. Amongst issues raised by Artists were the Skiza money and general distributions. After the debate it came out clear that there are real problems in the music industry that require urgent attention if the industry has to blossom and enable the artist live descent lives.

It was noted that some of the great artists who made this country proud have either died poor or are still suffering in abject poverty yet we hear that the music industry is a multi-billion venture. The question is, who pockets the billions? This is an industry that could create employment to so many people if the government became serious to help it grow. If well managed Composers, performers, instrumentalists, producers, publishers, music distributors, lawyers among others will immensely benefit from this industry.  Most Artist awards in this country don't come with money. However, the organizers only use them to mint money and leave the key stakeholders begging. Recently there is an award called MAMTAG that was launched by MCSK. To enroll in any of the categories an artist was to pay Kshs. 1,000 via Mpesa services hence attracting other levies. An idea that artists thought should have benefited from ended up being a way of squeezing money out of the already suffering artists. After artists revolting against the fee charged the organizers brought it down to Kshs.100 which is 90% decrease. How had the organizers come to the earlier figure if the award can still go on at the new registration fee?

Artists should never be swayed from their resolve to unite by the same clique of cartels that kept them disunited for many years. It is alleged that a few artists who are used to  handouts from the cartels keep on supporting them while they fleece the hapless artists. However, it is now common knowledge that there is a problem and most of the artists are now rising up against any further oppression. They have decided to stay united in order for them to push for changes they need in the industry. Most of the Artist Unions, Societies and Associations leaders have declared that they won't let their fellow artists  continue suffering. Today's artists are very knowledgeable and can no longer be taken for granted. As one big team they believe they are equal to the task and if they don't do something this time round God will charge them harshly. 

Below are some of the videos that became the eye openers to the public and government that some filth was boiling underneath;

Elani speaks video;




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